IMF Mini-Plugfest [June 26, 2024]

You are invited to participate in our upcoming mini-plugfest, which picks-up where our December plugfest ended.

A plugfest is a unique opportunity to gain implementation experience with IMF and network with the members of the community. Read our explainer at

Location and registration

Thanks to NBCUniversal, the plugfest will be held in person in Burbank, CA, USA. Two virtual breakout sessions with remote participation are planned.

Registration is free but you must register, whether attending in person or remotely:

Registration closes on June 15, 2024.


9:00 Setup and breakfast

10:00 Plugfest

12:00 Virtual breakout session

12:30 Lunch

13:00 Plugfest

16:30 Virtual breakout session

17:00 Plugfest ends

All times are in Los Angeles local time.


The mini-plugfest will focus on IMF App 2E with video coded using the APP2.HT.REV and APP2.HT.IRV constraints, including:

  • Lossless roundtrip from TIFF and DPX sequences; and
  • RPCL progression order.

Submitting and accessing content

Our plugfests are cloud first. Content will be submitted to and accessed from s a shared Amazon S3 bucket.

The deadline for content submission is June 15, 2024.

Open to all

The plugfest will be open to members and guests, with guests being subject to the IMF UG participation rules, including a duty to keep the contents of the meeting confidential. Any result made available publicly will be anonymized.


Harvey Landy [Host, Program committee]

Dave Deelo [Program committee]

Brian Holter [Program committee]

Mike Krause [Program committee]

Pierre-Anthony Lemieux [IMF UG chair]